Mass building is accomplished with brief, heavy, high intensity training with long rest periods between sets and workouts.Mass Training RoutineMuscle building requires multiple set, high intensity (HIT), split training to positive failure, or until another rep cannot be performed. Train each body part once per week. You may utilize a three-day, or a four-day split. Here is a powerful three-day split system for muscle building clients.
LEGS Quadriceps: leg press, squats, hack squats, leg extensions. Choose one exercise and do 5- 8 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Hamstrings: seated, standing or lying curl. Choose one exercise and do 5 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Calf: standing, seated, donkey calf raise, toe presses. Choose one exercise and do 5-8 sets of 12-6 reps.
BACK & CHESTChest: bench press, incline bench press, flat fly, incline fly, pec dec, machine press. Choose one exercise and do 5-8 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Back: bar, dumbbell or cable or machine rows, pull downs, chins. Choose one exercise and do 5-8 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Trapezius: bar or dumbbell or machine shrugs. Choose one exercise and do 3 sets of 12 to 6 reps.
DELTOIDS & ARMSDeltoids: bar, dumbbell or machine overhead press, or dumbbell side raises. Choose one exercise and do 5 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Triceps: pushdowns, lying or overhead extensions, dips, close grip bench press. Choose one exercise and do 5 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Biceps: bar, dumbbell, cable, machine or preacher curls. Choose one exercise and do 5 sets of 12 to 6 reps.An effective four-day split grouping is thighs & hamstrings; back & abdominals; chest & calf; deltoids & arms.Rest 1 minute between sets. This is an every other day routine, but may be modified to suit your schedule. Sleep 8 hours a night for recovery and follow a high protein diet by consuming five small meals a day. Take every set to failure and try some partial reps after completing all you can in the full range. Flex the muscles after training them for a minute or two. Muscles adapt quickly to a common stress, so increase the weight or reps every session and vary the exercises constantly, especially if you’ve been training for several years. This creates an unusual demand on the muscular and nervous systems and keeps you from hitting a plateau, which means stymied progress. Do not exceed the recommended the recommended number of sets because it will lead to overtraining.
The most common mistake bodybuilders make in attempting to build bigger arms is over training them. They do to many sets and train them too often. The arms are used in every upper body exercise, and therefore receive tremendous stimulation, which makes them prone to over training. Over training makes the arms shrink, not grow. Do only 5 to 8 sets each for biceps and triceps, and only three for forearms. There are literally hundreds of arm exercises, so use them all, but not in the same workout. Choose only one exercise and do 5-8 sets, which is enough to stimulate growth without overtraining. Work the arms only once every 2-3 days. Remember that you train them on every time you grab a weight. Record in your notebook the time you start and end, the exercise, weight, and the number of sets and reps performed. Since you may not do the same exercise again for several weeks, you will need a reference guide.Best exercises:Triceps: pushdowns, lying or overhead extensions, dips, close grip bench press. Choose one and do 5-8 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Biceps: bar, cable, dumbbell or preacher curls. Choose one and do 5-8 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Biceps and triceps exercises are good super set combinations (one exercise combined with another with no rest in between).Forearms: reverse curls and wrist curls with a bar, dumbbells or machines. Choose one and do 3 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Rest 2 - 3 minutes between sets or super sets. Sleep 8 hours a night For recovery, and follow a high protein diet. Intensity techniques: add partial (strongest range) reps after completing as many traditional full range reps as possible, then try a controlled holding and lowering set, without resting, in between each series.
LEG MASS ROUTINE HANDOUTChoose one exercise from the list and do the recommended sets for that day. Train legs once every 5 to 8 days. Rest 3 to 5 minutes between sets for mass.Quadriceps: leg press (use one or two legs), squats, hacks squats, lunges, and leg extensions. Pick one exercise and do 7-10 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Hamstrings: any kind of leg curl, or stiff leg dead lift, or top end dead lift. Do 5-7 sets of 12 to 6 reps.Calf: standing, seated, donkey calf raise, toe press, one leg calf raise. Choose one and do 5-8 sets of 12 to 30 reps.Hang from a chinning bar and stretch after you have completed your training. Remember to stretch the low back, too. Intensity techniques: add partial (strongest range) reps after completing as many traditional full range reps as possible, then try a controlled holding and lowering set without resting in between each series.
MASS DIET HANDOUT *To build mass you need to eat at least 1 gram of protein per - pound of desired body weight, per - day. If you want to weigh 200, then you have to eat 200 grams of protein each day. Let's see what kind of menu would deliver the 200 figure. First, some rules. Eat once every three to three-and-a-half hours. It takes that long for the last meal to move out of the stomach. If you eat too soon, the food that you've already eaten will stop digesting, and the whole thing starts all over again. Protein can actually remain in the intestines undigested for as long as two days. THIS IS AN OUTLINE!!
7:00 AM: 12 egg whites (50 g. prot.), 4 slices of toast, large orange juice, multivitamin/ mineral tab, 3 liver tabs, 3 amino tabs, digestive enzyme.
10:00 AM: Snack: 8-10 oz. cottage cheese or a protein drink. 3 liver and 3 amino's. If this meal is eaten before training, add a banana. Provides about 30-g. protein.
1:00 PM: 8 oz. chicken or steak, 2 baked potatoes or 1 cup pasta, salad or steamed vegetables, 3 liver, 3 amino's, enzymes. Provides about 50-g. protein.
4:00 PM: Snack: same as AM snack.
7:00 PM: Supper: Same meal as lunch.
10:00 PM: 5 egg whites.
This menu allows about 200 grams of protein, about 40 grams of fat, and about 350 grams of carbohydrate. Total calories are roughly 3000. If you can be this meticulous about eating, then you will reap the rewards of increased muscle mass. Use creatine and DHEA every day after each meal, but cycle them on a two-week on, two week off schedule for greatest benefit, and so you don’t develop a tolerance to them. Don't let yourself get hungry during the day, and modify the schedule based on your daily routine. Eat every three hours, except when sleeping. MASS
1. Creatine, load 5 grams 2 times per day for 5 days, then drop to twice a day. This can produce gains of 5 pounds of muscle in 3 days!
2. DHEA, 100 mg. 3 times per day, including one tab 1/2 hour before training, one before breakfast, and one at night. Elevates testosterone levels in the body.
3. Flaxseed & Fish Oil, are both good fats, or lipids, which are testosterone precursors, the building blocks of testosterone in the body.
4. Tribulus, try 100 mg. twice daily to boost testosterone levels.
5. Digestive Enzymes, one or two tablets with each meal for maximum utilization.
6. Whey or Egg Protein Powder, use one or two scoops 3 times per day between meals for best results.
7. Multivitamin/Mineral Pack, take one packet daily for good health. Everyone should be taking a multi-vitamin/mineral anti-oxidant supplement, especially hard training athletes.
8. Desiccated Liver Tablets; take 5-10 tabs 1 hour before training for endurance. Before steroids, athletes used liver tabs to get big. They still work. Follow a high protein diet of about 1-gram of protein per pound of desired body weight to gain muscle. Anyone who follows this program should be able to pack on 10 pounds of muscle in 2 to 4 weeks, while losing five pounds of fat at the same time.
Protein and supplement intake is of paramount importance for building increased muscle size. Timing is as crucial as what is consumed. Here are some supplements that can accelerate the muscle building process. Ten-50 grain desiccated liver tablets and three- 1000 mg amino acid tabs three times daily will increase protein levels in the body. Consuming a high protein, high calorie meal or protein/sugar drink prior to, and immediately after a workout will elevate protein and insulin levels during training. Protein and glucose uptake by the muscles is elevated during and after workouts. Additionally, testosterone and growth hormone levels increase during intense exercise, creating an even more anabolic (muscle building) state. Adding 2-4 tablespoons of creatine and 100 mg. of DHEA or one of the testosterone boosters before exercising will create even more rapid muscle growth. Always consume 2000 mg of flaxseed oil and 2000 mg of fish oil one hour before training sessions because muscle-building hormones are assembled from the good fatty acids that they contain.
Friday, October 23, 2009
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